G3 – Management, Entrepreneurship and Governance for Development
G3 – Management, Entrepreneurship and Governance for Development
Coordination: Jacinto Jardim, José Porfírio
The Research Group on Management, Entrepreneurship and Governance for Development is dedicated to the study of the development of human society, based on the analysis of the influence and proposal of models in which the scientific areas of Management-Entrepreneurship and Economics meet, within a framework that contributes to the consideration of the effects of globalization on this process. The group’s objectives and activities fit in with CEG’s strategies in a differentiated and complementary way.
Based on an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, and placing the human being and sustainability at the center of its analyses, the following aspects stand out: rethinking development from a global and integrative perspective, the group aims to establish an “observatory of the future”, which aims to anticipate emerging global challenges and build a solid foundation for critical thinking and prospective solutions, which will allow CEG to establish a constant dialogue between academics and think-tanks; evaluating how the social sciences contribute to development and global citizenship will strengthen CEG’s commitment to applied research and social innovation, having a direct impact on development policies and practices; identifying stakeholders and promoting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary working groups, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, broadens CEG’s collaboration and innovation, contributing to solving pressing global problems and producing scientific knowledge that is transversal and applicable to different contexts; reformulating and designing innovative pedagogical offerings reflects a commitment to education for development and global citizenship, ensuring that CEG is at the forefront of higher education, carrying out applied research using digital media and developing international scientific projects aimed at defining well-founded strategies for tackling current global challenges.
- Acácio Sanches
- Adalberto Armindo
- Ana Cecília Bisso Nunes
- Ana Martins
- Aníbal Cabral
- António Eduardo Martins
- Antônio Goés
- Boaventura Nuvunga
- Carlos Augusto Castanheira
- Carlos Pinheiro Francisco e Silva
- Carlos Pinho
- Catarina Gaspar
- Cláudia Maria Miranda Veloso
- Cléber Lopes
- Dirlei Fachinello
- Eduardo Vilas Boas
- Elsa Caldeirinha
- Filipa Melo de Vasconcelos
- Henrique Nou Schneider
- Isabel de Azevedo Martins
- Jacinto Jardim
- João Carvalho
- João de Lemos Baptista
- João Gama Antunes
- Joaquim Gronita
- Jorge Santos Silva
- José António Porfírio
- José de Souza
- Lucas Bonacina Roldan
- Lucindo Quintans
- Manuel Mouta Lopes
- Manuela Costa Teixeira
- Maria do Rosário Bernardo
- Maria Elisete Martins
- Mário Negas
- Micaela Faria
- Mireile Pacheco França Costa
- Naira Libermann
- Orlando Petiz Pereira
- Rafael Pedrosa
- Ricardo Marino Rodrigues
- Rita Gil
- Ronaldo Silva Melo
- Rose Mary Almeida
- Rúdi Gualter de Oliveira
- Sara Monteiro
- Sónia Fonseca
- Tatiana Somia
- Teresa Paula Costa Azinheira Oliveira
- Tiago Carrilho Mendes
- Vítor Manuel Vaz Silva