Honorable Mention Award to the Global Dignipédia Project

The Global Dignipedia project: Systematizing, Deepening, and Defending Human Rights in the Context of Globalization, which includes the Centre for Global Studies of the Universidade Aberta as an Associate Institution, was recently distinguished with an Honorable Mention within the scope of the V Ibero-American Award for Human Rights Education Óscar Arnulfo Romero.

Call for Papers: International Conference “Knowledge for Freedom”

The 14th Ibero-Slavic International Conference invites scholars to a broad debate on the construction of freedom within Iberian and Slavic cultures.
When: May 8-10, 2025
Where:School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon; Aberta University
Submission of Proposals: From September 1st, 2024
Informations: www.iberian-slavonic.eu; compares.geral@gmail.com