G7 – Religion, Globalization and Local Dynamics
G7 – Religion, Globalization and Local Dynamics
Coordination: Steffen Dix
The Research Group seeks to understand, on the one hand, the interdependence between religious attitudes and globalization processes and, on the other hand, the effects of local dynamics on different religious interpretations of the world. During the 20th century, Western sociology was characterized by a secularization narrative that predicted a disappearance of religion in a modernizing world. However, in the early years of the 21st century, a revisiting of this prevailing narrative led to confirmation that religion continues to be an intrinsic part of world culture.
It was stated that religion remains an influential factor in public space, not merely being shaped by globalization. First of all, there was an awareness that religions must also be seen as powerful actors that decisively influence and co-determine the processes of globalization. In other words, a study of the activities, contexts and specific language of religions – or, in general, religious dynamics – has become indispensable for understanding the functioning and development of world society and culture.
Considering religion as a glocal phenomenon, this research group assumes a strategic position within the CEG-UAb, specifically aiming to study the global relationship between a hypothetical increase in the non-religious population (post-secular societies in Europe or the Western world) and a growing importance of religion in the rest of the world. It also seeks to analyze the local impact of globalization and understand the global transformation of Catholicism from the discoveries to the present day. This scope of research will benefit from the interdisciplinary nature of CEG-UAb, at the same time as it will contribute to the enrichment of research carried out within other specific groups of this research unit.
- Adérito Barbosa
- Amanda Dias de Oliveira
- Andreas Gonçalves Lind
- Antonino Gomes Sousa
- Cláudia Oliveira
- Cristina Machado Trindade
- Dalexon Sérgio da Silva
- Eugénia Abrantes
- Everaldo Cescon
- Fabrizio Boscaglia
- Gianfranco Ferraro
- Hélder António Mendonça Silva
- Janilce Silva Praseres
- José Carlos Lopes de Miranda
- José Pereira Coutinho
- Livia Bastos Andrade
- Luís Miguel Figueiredo Rodrigues
- Manuel Curado
- Marco Daniel Duarte
- Pierre Antoine Fabre
- Porfírio Pinto
- Rui Lomelino de Freitas
- Sergio Salles
- Simão Daniel Fonseca
- Sónia Maria Henriques Vazão
- Steffen Dix
- Susana Vilas Boas