Sandra Sousa is associate professor in the Modern Languages and Literatures Department at the University of Central Florida, where she teaches Portuguese language, Lusophone Studies and Latin American Studies. Her research focuses on colonialism and post-colonialism, Portuguese colonial literature, race relations in Mozambique, war, dictatorship and violence in contemporary Portuguese and Luso-African literature, feminine writing in Portuguese, Brazilian and African literature. She is the author of Ficções do Outro: Império, Raça e Subjectividade no Moçambique Colonial (Esfera do Caos, 2015), Portugal Segundo os Estados Unidos da América (Theya Editores, 2021), and has co-edited Visitas a João Paulo Borges Coelho. Leituras, Diálogos e Futuros (Colibri, 2017), and The Africas in the World and the World in the Africas: African Literatures and Comparativism (Quod Manet, 2022), and Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida: Tecelã de mundos passados e presentes (UMinho editora, 2023)