Rui Lomelino de Freitas holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lisbon and a Master’s in Science of Religions from the University of Lisbon, with a dissertation on the “Rosicrucian Manifestos.” He is a professor and researcher in the Science of Religions at the Lusófona University, where he coordinates the research line in Gnosis and Western Esotericism as well as the postgraduate program in Masonic Studies. His primary research interests include Ancient and Renaissance Hermetic Philosophy, Gnostic movements of Antiquity, Modern and Contemporary Rosicrucianism, and Alchemy. He is the author of numerous scientific works, including publications and presentations. He has devoted himself to the Philosophy of Alchemy and the study of Renaissance alchemical treatises. He has collaborated with multiple academic and cultural institutions, including the University of Lisbon and the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. He is a member of the ESSWE, the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism.