My research work is undertaken in the field of education with the ultimate goal of in-forming policy makers and to contribute to more efficient and equitable social and edu-cational policies. My work contributes to education and public policy debates on educa-tional opportunities, youth transitions and education segregation. I completed a Master’s in Public and Social Policy at the University Pompeu Fabra/Johns Hop-kins University (2009) and a Master’s (2011) and PhD in Sociology at the University of Barcelona in November 2016. From 2017 until 2023, I was Juan de la Ci-erva postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and from March 2023 I held a Ramón y Cajal Fellow at Open Uni-versity of Catalonia. I am a member of the Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) research centre, a researcher in the inter-university network Grupo de Investigación en Políticas Educativas (GIPE) and since 2021 a member of the research group in Global Studies of the Universidade Aberta (Lisbon). I have con-tributed to these research networks by providing advanced quantitative spatial analysis as by linking theories of economic geography and the sociology of education. I have been involved as a researcher in 11 European projects and six international pro-jects funded by EACEA-Erasmus+, EU-Horizon, CSIC Foundation, Jaume Bofill Foun-dation, OXFAM, and UNICEF, including the Horizon Europe project “Constructing learning outcomes in Europe: a multi-level analysis of (under)achievement in the life course” (CLEAR). Based on my research, I have written the proposal and I act as PI in the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Employability in Programme Development (EPD): Estab-lishing a labour market to higher education feedback loop drawing on local labour mar-ket intelligence”. I am also senior researcher in three competitive tenders of the Council of Europe, CEDEFOP and Erasmus+ KA2. Overall, my research has received funding for more than 1.2 million euros. My scientific publications comprise 28 articles, two monographs, six book chapters and 13 technical reports. My work has been published in a range of high-ranking journals, 25 of them indexed in JCR, 21 are indexed in Q1 in SCOPUS. Altogether, my publications have received 544 citations, and my H-index is 15 (Google Scholar).