Porfirio Pinto completed Bachelior’s degree (Licenciatura) in Theology on 10/12/1989 from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Faculty of Theology, Master’s degree in Theology in 1992/06/24 from Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Faculty of Theology, Special Master in Management de l’Édition in 1998 from ESCP Business School of Paris and PhD in Cultural Studies on 1/17/2018 from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Letters, Published 11 articles in specialized journals. It has 13 book chapter(s) and 5 book(s). Works in the area(s) of Humanities with an emphasis on Philosophy, Ethics and Religion with an emphasis on Theology. In his Science Vitae curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Vieira, António, 1608-1697 – Criticism and interpretation; Vieira, António, 1608-1697 – Political and social thought; Dogmatic theology; Messianism; Millennialism; Prophecies; Utopias – Portugal – 17th century; Portuguese literature – 17th century – History and criticism.