Fernando Correia was born in Angola, on August 27, 1945, with a degree in History from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon (1999), a master’s degree in history [Specialization in Contemporary History], (2020) and a PhD student in Global Studies at the Open University, where he attended the Linguistics, Graphic and Editorial Revision Course: “Taking Good Care of the Portuguese Language”. He is a member of the Center for Global Studies of the same Open University (CEG-UAB).
Throughout his academic career, he published several works and scientific articles, with emphasis on the political biography of the physician Américo Boavida: Time and Memory (1923-1968) and scientific articles in the following magazines: Time and Argument, critical review, “What is global history?” (2021); I International Symposium on Global Education and Human Rights (SIEGDH), “Social Education – Immigration and Marginalization in Portuguese Schools” (2022).
Still in the academic capo, he participated in a Camunians colloquium at the Lisbon Geographical Society (Camões Section), with the theme “Casa de Camões em Vila de Nantes” (2006).