Edgard Leite currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of State for Higher Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro, President of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, Executive Director of the Realitas Institute, and Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF). 

His research focuses on History, Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Theology, with a current emphasis on the impact of Enlightenment thought on Western religious consciousness. Among his published works are Predadores: Repensando o Brasil nos seus Fundamentos Morais (“Predators: Rethinking Brazil in Its Moral Foundations,” 2019), Identidade Dissidente: Temas para uma nova História do Brasil (“Dissident Identity: Themes for a New History of Brazil,” 2020), and O Valor da Liberdade e outros ensaios conservadores (“The Value of Freedom and Other Conservative Essays,” 2021). 

As a member of an international research group based at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Lucknow, India, he has contributed to the following publications: Environmental Challenges in Brazil, Local and Global in Globalisation, Environment and Social Justice: Perspectives, Issues and Concerns (VERMA, Manish K., Ed., Routledge, 2018) and Sustainability and Public Policies in Brazil in Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives and Issues (VERMA, Manish K., Ed., Routledge, 2021).