She holds a Post-Doctorate (UFS, 2019) and a PhD in Education (UFS, 2017), a Master’s in Education (UFS, 2013), and a Master’s in Administration (University of Extremadura, Spain, 2002), which has been recognized by UFRN – Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. She served as a professor, academic manager, and director of São Luís de França College, located in Aracaju, Sergipe, from 1998 to 2015. Following this period, the institution became part of the Tiradentes Group, where she facilitated the transition as General Director from 2015 to 2017. Her professional history includes a holistic, integral, and systemic approach, which was widely promoted and integrated within the institution she worked for. 

In 2013, she published the book “A Universidade de Coimbra e a Reforma Pombalina de 1772” through UFS Publishing, based on her master’s dissertation. With support from Sebrae and Senac, she developed the booklet “Internet Point to Point” in 2009. She has also published two additional books: a poetry collection released by the Legislative Assembly (2009) and “Love is Immortal” (2002), which addresses the feeling of loss. In 2019, UFS Publishing released her new book titled “History & Memory of Digital Education in Sergipe”. She was one of the coordinators of the “Dictionary of the Antis,” a work directed by José Eduardo Franco and Luiz Eduardo Oliveira. 

She is part of the Evaluation Board of the National Higher Education Evaluation System (BASis/INEP/MEC), an Ad-Hoc consultant for FAPITEC/SE, a member of SBHE – Brazilian Society of History of Education, and a counselor for the Regional Administration Council of Sergipe. Currently, she serves as an Advisor to the Superintendence Directorate of SEBRAE-SE.