Andrea Bedin holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Centro Universitário Assunção (2004), a Postgraduate degree in History, Society, and Culture from PUC-SP (2009), and a Specialization in Baroque Art and Culture from the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais (2009). Currently, she is a History teacher in the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo State. She has experience in the fields of History and Art History. She teaches Art and Religion courses at PUC-SP, COGEAE, in the Specialization in Religious Studies program. She holds a Master’s degree in Religious Studies from PUC-SP and a Ph.D. in Social History from the same institution, with her thesis defense approved on October 16, 2020. Her research interests include Portuguese America, Portugal: from its genesis to the present, Parenetics – Father Antonio Vieira, Baroque: art, literature, society, and related fields.