Dignipédia Global
Dignipédia Global: To systematize, deepen and defend human rights in context of globalization

Principal Investigator: Susana Alves-Jesus
Funding Entity: EEA Grants – Active Citizens Fund
Amount Granted: 86.300,00€
Starting Date: 01.01.2022 (12 mounths)
Proponent Institution: Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura Padre Manuel Antunes
URL: https://dignipediaglobal.pt/en/home
The Dignipédia Global project: To systematize, deepen and defend human rights in context of globalization (EEA Grants – Active Citizens Fund | Programa Cidadãos Ativ@s – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Fundação Bissaya Barreto) aims to train students, teachers, and researchers, as well as education and sociocultural action agents, to promote a culture of human rights, bringing together various national and international educational, academic and civil society institutions.
This project will result in:
- Two human rights dictionaries: preparation of two human rights dictionaries: a global dictionary, intended for experts, but also for the general public; a children’s dictionary of human rights, with a pedagogical focus, for children and young people of school age.
- An open-acess online platform.
- Implementation of a free open-acess online platform, where both dictionaries will be available, as well as other resources for deepening the issue of human rights.
Awareness for human rights
Training and awareness-raising actions for human rights, together with schools, civil society and academia, as well as writing and artistic content creation workshops for the two dictionaries and platform.