Virginia de Almeida Bessa is collaborating researcher and permanent professor at the Music Postgraduate Program of Unicamp (State University of Campinas), where she coordinates the research project titled “Transatlantic musical connections: musical theatre touring companies in São Paulo (1914-1934)”, funded by FAPESP.  She has a B.A. in History and Music, an M.A. in Social History and a double PhD in Social History and Romanic Studies from University of São Paulo and Paris Nanterre University. She had three postdoctoral positions: at the History Department of the University of São Paulo (CNPq funding 2023-2024), at the Brazilian Studies Institute of the University of São Paulo (FAPESP funding 2016-2021), and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2019-2020). Her work focuses on History and Music, especially on the following subjects: Popular Music, Cultural History, Musical Theater, Sound Culture, Global History.