Vanessa Ruffatto has a degree in Psychology (Universidade de Passo Fundo) and Master’s in Clinical Psychology (UNISINOS). She is a specialist in Mental Health (with Multiprofessional Residency from UNISINOS). She has worked professionally as a clinical psychologist in public health settings, as a lecturer in technical courses in the healthcare field, and as a researcher. Currently, she earned a CAPES scholarship for a sandwich PhD program at Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, under the supervision of Dr. Janine Monteiro (UNISINOS), Dr. João Areosa, and Dr. Joaquim Gronita (UAb) in the research project “Psychodynamic Clinic of Unemployment: Clinical Intervention with First-Generation Unemployed Migrants.” Research focuses on mental health, work, migratory processes, and unemployment; with several publications to their name.