He holds a BS in Biochemistry (1990) from the Universidade de Coimbra, and also studied Theology in Portugal and in the USA, where he completed a postgraduate programme in Religious Studies/Christian Thought (1993) at Liberty University. He obtained his Advanced Studies Diploma, i.e., the curricular part of the PhD in History, concentration in Contemporary History (2017), at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is a researcher at the Centro de Estudos Globais, in Universidade Aberta, at the Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, in Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and at the Instituto de História Contemporânea, in Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He has written and published a book, around twenty scientific papers and book chapters, as well as dozens of written texts scattered throughout the national press. He was the general secretary of Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal (1997-2015), taking part in meetings, seminars, and consultations in more than thirty countries. He has been teaching Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and History of Christianity in evangelical theological schools (since 1993). Currently, he is the chair of the Board of Aliança Evangélica Portuguesa (since 2022