Graduate Degree – Nurse, at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001). Master’s Degree – Nurse, at Estadual University of Rio de Janeiro (2003). Post Graduate Diploma on Global Health and Health Diplomacy, at National School of Public Health of FIOCRUZ (2009). Doctorate Degree – Public Health, at National School of Public Health of FIOCRUZ (2017). Staff of the Brazilian Ministry of Health since 2006. Head of the International Advisory of the Ministry of Health and Special Advisor to the Minister of Health for International Affairs (2015-2020). Researcher at LAIS/UFRN since 2018, with experience in execution of Research and Development Projects for strengthening health systems, with an emphasis on analysis and assessment of public health policies. Also teaches classes for Latu and Stricto Sensu postgraduate students. Currently she is parliamentary advisor for health and international relations issues at Federal Senate of Brazil.