Tânia da Cruz d’Oliveira, 49 years old, lives in Figueira da Foz. She has a degree in Psychology (Pre-Bologna) from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra; a Master’s degree in Activating Psychological Development from the University of Aveiro; she is a PhD student in Intercultural Relations at Universidade Aberta. Full member of the OPP with professional card no. 009991. EuroPsy: European Certificate in Psychology, valid until 2026. She currently works as a Clinical Psychologist at the Figueira da Foz City Council ‘s Social Assistance and Monitoring Service (SAAS) and, privately, at Psike – Psychology, Health and Education. She has an Advanced Post-University Specialization in Clinical and Health Psychology (CRIAP), a Specialization in Gender Equality (Competir) and in Family Mediation (IPMF).