PhD student in Global Studies at the Open University of Portugal (Lisbon), Master’s degree in Health and Environmental Sciences, Specialist in Environmental Management, in Planning, Implementation and Management of Distance Education, as well as in School Administration and Supervision, with a degree in Geography from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) – Degree and Bachelor’s degree. Currently undertaking a Specialization in Technologies, Teacher Training and Society at the Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI) and Graduating in Pedagogy at Estácio de Sá University. Professional experience as a Consultant at Gondwana Co; Educational Trainer at Elos Educacional; Basic Education Geography Teacher at the Municipal Public and Private Education Network; University Professor in the area of Tourism and Degrees and Pedagogical Coordinator of Basic Education. Having worked as Operational Coordinator of Basic Education – Pedagogical Director at Escola SESI FIRJAN; University Professor in the area of Geography and Education; Academic Coordinator in Higher Education; Basic Geography Education Teacher; Pedagogical Coordinator of Basic Education; Specialized Teacher at FIRJAN SENAI in Distance Education (EAD); Coordinator of Biodiversity, Water and Territory Management at Macaé City Hall / Rio de Janeiro.