Assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Management at Universidade Aberta and an invited assistant professor in the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Aveiro. She is an integrated member of CINTESIS – the Center for Health Technology and Services Research. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a focus on Clinical Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, a Master’s degree in Psychology specializing in Change and Development in Psychotherapy from the University of Lisbon, and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Aveiro. She is a certified specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and in Educational Psychology by the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. Her research projects have focused on areas such as psycho-oncology, indicators of psychosocial adaptation to normative or unexpected stress situations, psychoeducational and cognitive-behavioral intervention programs across different populations, and the development, adaptation, and validation of psychological assessment instruments. She has published several scientific articles in national and international journals.