Roberto della Santa was an Invited Assistant Professor of the Dept. of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences at the University of Aveiro (DCSPT) and of the Academic Master’s in Public Policies (MAPP) of the same institution, Effective Member of the Postgraduate Program in Interdisciplinary Global Labour Studies (FCSH/UNL) and Scientific Co-Coordinator of the Observatory for Working and Living Conditions ( His most recent publications are: «A Brief History of Portugal: the contemporary age» (Co-Aut. Raquel Varela), «Working and Living in the 21st Century» (Co-Org. Duarte Rolo), and «Global Labour Studies» (Co-Org. Pamela Cabreira). He collaborates with the Editorial Committee of Workers of the World: International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts (Universität Duisburg-Essen). In the context of the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese Revolution, he co-wrote with the Kairós Collective a series of five historical documentaries on the World of Work for RTP3 public television for educational purposes. Experienced in the fields of workers’ inquiry/co-research, social sciences/public policy, critical social theory/social science methodology, and labour/organization studies, with an emphasis on social thought, collective action, history of ideas, sociology of culture/art, and the “questions of the way of life” (Byt) constitutive of the social being.