Ricardo Pessa de Oliveira has a PhD in History, specializing in Early Modern History, from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (2014), a Master’s Degree in Early Modern History from the same institution (2007) and a Degree in History from the University of Minho (2005). He is the author of books, book chapters, articles published in national and international scientific journals, with double-blind peer-review, and entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias. He has participated with communication in scientific meetings in Portugal and abroad, namely in Spain, France, Italy and Brazil. He is an Assistant Researcher at the Padre Manuel Antunes European Institute of Cultural Sciences. In 2016, the Portuguese Academy of History awarded an Honorable Mention to his book História da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pombal (1628-1910). In 2022, his book A Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Redinha (1642-1975) won the Dr. João Lobo History Prize, awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History and the Júlio Fogaça Prize, awarded by the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.