Paula Bacelar Nicolau graduated in Plant and Applied Biology in 1991 from the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa and is Doctor of Philosophy in 1997/02/04 from Bangor University (North Wales, UK). She is an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Aberta, Portugal, and senior researcher at the Centro de Estudos Globais (CEG), Portugal (; she also collaborates with the Laboratory for Distance Learning and eLearning (LeaD), Portugal. She has mentored several post-graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, published papers in peer-review ISI journals, chapter books and international conference proceedings, coordinated and participated in several national and international research projects and also participates in several national and international PhD and Masters’ juris. Main teaching and research areas are Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental Microbiology, Sustainability Sciences, and e-learning and environmental sciences.