Paula Cristina Ferreira da Costa Carreira completed her doctorate in Philosophy with the thesis O mentor remoto da crise de Portugal: A receção de Aristóteles no século XVIII (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon). Has a degree in Classical Languages and Literatures and a Master’s degree in Classical Studies by the same School, with the dissertation As Argonáuticas de Apolónio de Rodes: A Arquitectura de um Poema Helenístico, published in 2014 by Esfera do Caos. She is a guest assistant professor of the Universidade Aberta and a researcher of the Centre for Global Studies (CEG-UAb). She is president of the board of the European Institute of Cultural Sciences Father Manuel Antunes, where she has been working since its foundation. She had an PhD Research Studentship funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), and received other FCT grants, namely for the projects Pombalia: For the construction of a Pombaline corpus: Part I – The Pombaline Historiographic Writings and Historical Dictionary of Orders and Congregations in Portugal and in the Lusophone Countries.