Nelson Valdemar Carneiro completed a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences in 2013/11 at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto

and a Degree in Basic Education – 1st Cycle in 1999 at the School of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.  

He has been pursuing a PhD in Global Studies at Universidade Aberta since 2023/10. He is a Basic Education Teacher / Librarian (currently) at the Ministry of Education of the Portuguese Republic.  

Has 1 published book. He received 1 honorable mention in pedagogical photography from the University of Aveiro.  

He participated as a collaborator in some projects. He works in the field of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 

In 1997, he completed a European Youth Workers Short Course at the University of Plymouth, in an initiative supported by the Portuguese Youth Institute.