Natália Guerellus is Associate Professor at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France. She completed her PhD in Contemporary History in 2015, at the Federal Fluminense University, Brazil (PhD Fellow), and obtained a Masters Degree in Arts, Lettres et Langues in 2018 by the Paris Nanterre University, France, and a Masters Dregree in Contemporary History in 2011 by the Federal Fluminense University (Research Fellow). Guerellus participated on the Project “African Diaspora in Brazil and United States” in 2007 at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA (Fipse/Capes Grant); she owned the Capes/Print Young Talents funding in 2021 and the Bourgeon funding from Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University in 2022. Published five books and several scientific articles and book chapters, developping pedagogical and scientific dissemination projects, such as the podcast Folheando, the multimedia website O que disse Eurídice and História em Quarentena, a project taking place during Covid. Since 2015, Natália Guerellus have worked in France, as “Lectrice” (Staff – Language Teacher) in the Paris Nanterre University and “ATER” (Staff – Teaching and Research) in the Jean Moulin University. She was secretary and co-president of ARBRE (Association pour la Recherche sur le Brésil en Europe) and member of ABRE (Association of Brasilianists in Europe). Guerellus last works are in the area of Humanities with emphasis on Social History of Literature and Publishing, Gender Studies, Post-Colonial Studies and Digital Humanities (see: Colonialismes et Colonialités: théories et circulations en portugais et en français –