Marta Marecos Duarte is a researcher in Portuguese Early Modern Literature with a PhD thesis (FLUC-University of Coimbra, 2021) that focused on poetry and poetics in between Baroque and Enlightenment, Consonant voices, Dissonant voices, Francisco de Pina e Melo and the Literary Culture of the 18th century. She published several articles and book chapters on this subject, of which “In Between Two Centuries: Towards a Historical Approach of the Portuguese Poetry Between the Baroque and the Enlightenment” (2019) and “Mockery around the Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea in a Portuguese Baroque Poetry anthology” (2024) are among the most significant. She also edited História de Menina e Moça (2015, INCM) by Bernardim Ribeiro. She is currently collaborating with the CEG-Uab in the edition of the complete works of Marquês de Pombal and doing other editing work for different projects.