Maria do Rosário Ramos holds a PhD in Statistics and Operational Research (2006), speciality in Probability and Statistics. She is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Universidade Aberta (Open University of Portugal), Department of Sciences and Technology, where she teaches since 1997. She is a researcher at the Center of Statistics and Applications (CEAUL) of the University of Lisbon since 2022. She has taught courses mainly in Probability and Statistics in graduate and post-graduate degrees, but also in Mathematics in early carreer (Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis), and has collaborated in the supervision of postgraduate students (MSc, PhD). She has published several scientific articles in indexed international journals and scientific papers published in national and international conferences. The main research fields are Time Series Analysis (modeling, trend analysis and forecast), Regression (Linear and Generalized Linear Models), Statistical Modeling, Biostatistics, Environmental Statistics, and eLearning. In its collaborations with other areas, she uses statistical methods applied to Environment and Health, Sustainable Development and Education. Between 2009 and 2022, she was the coordinator/vice-coordinator of bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Mathematics and Statistics of Universidade Aberta (UAb). Throughout her academic career she presented seminars and oral communications in conferences, and participated in the organization of scientific events.