Graduated in La, University of Lisbon, 1982; graduated in Humanities, Portuguese Catholic University, Braga, 1997; master in Medieval Philosophy, University Of Porto, 2000, with a dissertation “John Salibury ‘s Policraticus according to Fernão Lopes Chronicle Jonh I, legal-political perspective”; PHD in Philosophy, University Of Porto, 2012, with a thesis on “Coimbra Jesuit Course, From visible to Invisible in- the theory of vision according the Commentary on Aristotles’ De Anima (1598)”. Maria Camps is lawyer, full member of Philosophy Center at the University of Lisbon, (CFUL), History of Philosophy (HPHIL); collaborator member of Institute for Philosophical Studies ( IEF), University of Coimbra; collaborator member of Center for Global Sudies, UAB, Lisbon. Her research focuses on Care, Heritage, and the History of Philosophy, also on study and translation from Latin to Portuguese of late scholastic texts.