Marco Lucchesi was born in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in 1963. He belongs to the Academia Brasileira de Letras, which he presided over from 2018 to 2021. Poet, writer, essayist, teacher, editor and translator, he graduated in History from UFF, master and doctor in Literary Science from UFRJ, with a postdoctoral degree in Renaissance Philosophy at the University of Cologne, Germany. It transits through more than twenty languages. His set of works is plural, including in dialogue with the sciences, philosophy and different artistic sources. Author of the novels The Emperor’s Librarian, O Dom do Crime and Adeus, Pirandello and Marina. Domínios da Insônia brings together, in large part, his poetic work completely revised. He translated, among others, Primo Levi, Umberto Eco, Rilke, Rumi, Barbu, Khliebnikov, Silesius, Juan de la Cruz. Professor of Comparative Literature at UFRJ. Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities of Tibiscus and Aurel Vlaicu in Romania, commander of the Italian Republic, he received, among others, the Jabuti (Clio), Pantera d’Oro, Città di Torino, George Bacóvia awards. Lecturer in several countries of the world. His books have been translated into over eighteen languages.