PhD in Economics (ISEG-UTL/UL), BA in Management (Liége) and BA in Applied Economics (FUCAM – Catholic University of Louvain/Mons; MA in European Economics (U. of Coimbra), is Associate professor at Universidade Aberta and member of CEG (Centro de estudos globais) the Center of Global Studies. My research topics are divided in three fields: economics, education and social sciences In economics I focus on human and economic development, the study of innovation, technique and technology, the study of institutions, organizations and social change within a critical realist stance. In education, I study immersive learning, elearning and the value of education in society. Finally, the themes of sustainability, sustainable institutions, visions of sustainability and sustainable management of natural resources, and any subject crossing the three domains. I teach in BA, MA and Phd in management, sustainability and global studies.