Master in Romance Philology (Università di Pisa, Italy) and PhD in Portuguese Studies and Textual Criticism (NOVA FCSH), he is mainly interested in Iberian literature in all its geographic-linguistic projections. He received several scholarships from important institutions in Portugal, Spain, France and Brazil. Author of monographs and articles, he is a professional translator from 6 languages. He was also one of the founders of the lusoportuguese cultural magazine “Submarino”. The current axes of his research are the relationship between cinema and poetry, textual criticism and the poetics of translation. He has dedicated himself to teaching, both in Portugal and as a visitor professor. Lately he has dedicated himself to recovering author archives and he is responsible for the archive of the portuguese poet Luiza Neto Jorge. He is responsible for the Italian edition of Antonio Vieira’s works. His specific interest focused on the relation between materialities of literature and its textual fixation and achieve.