Manuel Curado is Corresponding Member to the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minho, namely in the areas of Philosophy of Mind, Ancient Philosophy and Philosophy in Portugal, and obtained several other titles, namely that of National Defense Auditor (Ministry of Defense, Lisbon) and Senior Management Course for Public Administration (University of Minho/INA). He is doctor sobresaliente cum laude (University of Salamanca, Spain) having previously obtained a master’s degree in Philosophy (New University of Lisbon). He has delivered over 300 conferences in many countries, from Moscow, Russia (MGLU and MGIMO), to Brasilia, Brazil (UnB), and was Erasmus Professor in Padua, Italy. He is the author of several books, including the first critical edition of an eighteenth-century manuscript written by a fellow of the Royal Society of London, the Portuguese Jewish doctor Dr. Isaac S. Samuda, MD (The Viriadas of Dr. Samuda, IUC/Coimbra University Press, 2014). Along with his philosophical activities, he has a literary taste for promoting the edition of Portuguese-language classics, such as D. Francisco Manuel de Mello (First Treaty of Cabala, Círculo de Leitores, 2018), Teixeira de Queiroz (Complete Works, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2020-2024) and João da Rocha (The Wisdom of Patience, and the critical edition of the book of tales Anguishes, both published by C.M.V.C., 2021), because he glimpses in them signs of perennial wisdom. He re-edited Rear-Admiral José Maria Dantas Pereira’s Memoir of a Pasigraphy Project (1800), having promoted since the 90s the knowledge of this pioneer of the utopia of the perfect language and universal machine translation. He re-edited the works on philosophical psychology and logic by Edmundo Curvelo, as well as his unpublished texts, in collaboration (Complete Works of Edmundo Curvelo, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2013; A Portuguese Genius: Edmundo Curvelo (1913-1954), University de Coimbra, 2013). He was member to several ethics committees, and expressed his bioethical thinking in the book Health and Cyborgs: Caring in the Biotechnological Era (Edições Esgotadas, 2019).