Luís Filipe B. Teixeira (1959/…) is a Portuguese Philosopher, Essayist and University Professor (Philosophy. Ethics, Game Studies, Theory of Culture, Cyberculture, Digital Media, Literature, Theory of Hypertext/Cybertext).

He has a PhD in XXth Century Portuguese Culture by Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1998), a Master in Philosophy by Lisbon University (1990) and he is Graduate in Philosophy also by Lisbon University (1984).

Luis Filipe B. Teixeira is one of the greatest national and international specialists in the thought and works of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) (one of the greatest Portuguese and European Modernist Poet and writer), namely in the fields of Philosophy, Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism. He researched for several years (since 1991) in the Fernando Pessoa Espolio (as a member of the Pessoa Team, coordinated by Profs. Ivo Castro and Luiz Fagundes Duarte) (at Biblioteca Nacional of Portugal)( and the Poet personal library («Casa Fernando Pessoa»). He collected, transcribed, organized and edited a number (near five hundred) of documents by Fernando Pessoa(about Neo-Paganism, Esoterism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism), namely in his PhD thesis on «Obras de António Mora, de Fernando Pessoa: Edição e Estudo» [«Works of António Mora, by Fernando Pessoa: Edition and Study] (see

Researcher in NELI-Núcleo de Estudos em Literatura e Intersemiose (Univ. Federal Pernambuco) (integrated in researches areas of «Estudos Portugueses»(Portuguese Studies) ; «Literatura, Ciência e Tecnologia» (Literature, Science and Technology); «Literatura e Medicina» (Literature and Medicine); and «Literatura e Videojogos» (Literature and Games)) (see

In other hand, he has been studying the issues of ‘Game Culture’ since 1985, and computer games as mass culture and new media since 2000.

He has more than a hundred books and scientific essays published in six countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Poland), but mainly in Brazil, where he is part of several research «networks» and in several scientific areas (see and

(For more bio information, see his Escritas Mutantes (Mutant Writing):