PhD in Media Art from Lusófona University (Lisbon), with the research project: ‘Regional Houses in Lisbon. Places of Traditional Portuguese Popular Culture’. Project that included the production of the documentary: Chieira – Pride in oneself, a film that wine a international awards. Master of Art Studies from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Univeristy of Coimbra, in articulation with Gama Filho University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), under an international cooperation agreement.

Undergraduate degree in Art Studies from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, having begun his specialization in Film Studies at the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) in France, within the scope of the Erasmus Programme. In addition to having participated in more than eighty theatre, film and television projects as director, producer and actor, he has also worked as a teacher and trainer within the arts at both a national and international level.