Maria Luciana Paredes has a degree in Elementary Education and is Master in Pre-School and Primary School Education. Since 2018 she has been teaching at Jardim-Escola João de Deus de Alvalade. Tutored by Professor Justino Magalhães, Luciana started her Ph.D. in History of Education at Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa (2020).  The subject is History of primary schooling in Madeira throughout the 19th and 20th centuries (until 1974). She has published “História do Ensino Primário na ilha da Madeira: Uma escolarização lenta e desigual” in e-Letras com Vida: Revista de Estudos Globais, Humanidades, Ciências e Artes and “O exterior como espaço de aprendizagem ─ perspetiva de uma professora” in Educação para o desenvolvimento. Her areas of interest are schooling in Madeira, history of education, pedagogy, and primary education.