Lucas Bonacina Roldan is an enthusiast in developing new businesses with high social impact. He is currently a professor at the School of Business at PUCRS (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), serving on the Coordination Committee and the NDE (Nucleus for Teaching Development) of the Administration Program. He teaches courses related to entrepreneurship and innovation. Previously, he was the Management Coordinator of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies (PROPESQ) and the professor responsible for Service Learning at PUCRS within the Pro-Rectory of Extension and Community Affairs (PROEX). He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a research focus on Innovation Management, Competitiveness, and Market from PUCRS/UCS. He also earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from PUCRS and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Succession from the same institution. Lucas has managed businesses such as the Chuá Laundry Network and SocialTec, a technology consulting firm incubated at the RAIAR Incubator of PUCRS. He has extensive experience in developing new businesses and conducts research on topics including entrepreneurship, innovation, innovation ecosystems, strategic partnerships, interorganizational relationships, strategic planning, and performance indicators.