Lina Soares is a Ph.D. student in Global Studies at Universidade Aberta. She holds a Master’s degree in Comparative Literatures and a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures – Portuguese and French from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (U.N.L). She is a member of the Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão Research Center, the Center for Global Studies at Universidade Aberta, and the Bocage Studies Center. She was a researcher at the Center for the Study of the Imaginary at the Institute for the Study of Literature and Traditions (U.N.L) from 2003 to 2013. Lina Soares has authored articles published in the journals Mátria XXI and AICA since 2020, and has contributed communications to the proceedings of numerous colloquiums and conferences in the fields of Literature, History, and Sociology of Religions since 2003. She is also the author of books published by Colibri and the Bocage Studies Center, including essays, historical novels, short stories, and poetry. Currently, she is a faculty member at the Santo André School Group (teaching group 300), an external evaluator, and a teacher trainer.