Academic degree in Law, from Cândido Mendes University – UCAM/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, postgraduate degree in History of the 20th Century, at the same Institution, with the dissertation FASCISM AND ITS ATTRACTION CAPACITY, under the guidance of Dr. Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva, having taught the History of Law subject at UCAM/RJ for more than 8 years. Master in Contemporary History from FCSH of Nova de Lisboa University, Portugal, with the dissertation THE DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN AND CITIZENS OF 1789 AND ITS INFLUENCE ON INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS OF THE PORTUGUESE LIBERAL CONSTITUTIONS (1822-1911), under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Alves, whose specialty lies in the affirmation of Human Rights in the Constitutions of European States and Brazil. Participation as a guest researcher in the Dignipédia Global: Sistematizar, Aprofundar e Defender Direitos Humanos em Contexto de Globalização (EEA Grants/Active Citizens Fund – Programa Cidadãos Ativ@s/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Fundação Bissaya Barreto), with the input MANUEL FERNANDES TOMÁS. The research interest consists in approaching the evolution of themes related to Human Rights in an interdisciplinary way.