José Brissos-Lino has a PhD in Psychology in the area of Psychology of Religion (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2015) and a Master in Help Relationship and Existential Therapies (ISPA-Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Lisboa, 2007. He is a specialist in Ethics and in the Science of Religions, Post-Graduate in Help Relationships (ISPA, 2000) and in Stress Management (Universidade Independente, Lisbon, 2001).

He is a professor of Science of Religions (Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa), a lecturer at the Instituto Superior Politécnico Atlântida (Luanda) and the director of the scientific magazines “Olhar Científico” (Luanda) and AD AETERNUM (Lisbon). He has teaching experience in higher education in Portugal and Angola. He coordinates the Instituto de Cristianismo Contemporâneo (ICC), and the NEPRE-Núcleo de Estudos em Psicologia da Religião e Espiritualidade. 

He has published four books and sixteen chapters in scientific books and numerous articles in specialised magazines, like: Aquele falar estranho: um estudo transdisciplinar de Glossolalia e Pentecostalismo, 2018, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas; Book chapter: The influence of socio-religious culture from an environmental perspective, 2019, Core Collection of “Web of Science” – CPCI; A Teologia de Jesus, 2021, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.