Graduate in Philosophy and Humanities (UCP), Doctor in Theology (Lateran University of Rome) and in Philosophy (FLUL), was Assistant at the Center for Classical Studies (UCP 96-98), Fellow of the “Discoveries Commission” (Vatican Archive 99-00) and FCT (Institutum Patrísticum Augustinianum, 00-03). Since 2004, he has been an Assistant Professor at UCP, where he teaches, among other curricular units, Ethics, Anthropology, Patristics, Latin Texts, and coordinates the Master’s Degree in Philosophy, having coordinated the Doctorate in Religious Studies (2016-2023). CLEPUL researcher, he coordinated the version and annotation of the Latin texts in the 30 volumes of the “Obra Completa do Padre António Vieira” and the 30 vol. of the “Pioneering Works of Portuguese Culture “(C. Leitores, 2014 and 2019), as well as the Religious Studies area of the “Antis” Dictionary (INCM, 2018). More recently, he collaborated with the Center for Philosophy (UL), as coordinator of the transcription and Portuguese version, in the rescue of 16th century manuscripts on social and political ethics within the scope of the De Restitutione project: cfr. De Restitutione: on property and the origin of civil power, in Calafate, P. and Ventura, R., (Dir.), The Iberian School of Peace at the Universities of Coimbra and Évora (16th century), Volume III, Almedina , Coimbra, 2020. He supervised André Antunes’ doctoral thesis, Church and Empire in the Chronography of Teófanes the Confessor, accompanied by the Portuguese version of the Chronography, defended with maximum classification in 2023. At UCP-Braga, he held management positions from 04 to 06 and 11 to 17. Currently, he coordinates the Antiquity section in the Dictionary of Heresies and the I Volume of the History of Spirituality and Mysticism in Portugal (IEAC-G0 Project).