He has a degree in Nursing from the Universidade do Estado Rio Grande do Norte (2010), a Master’s degree in Family Health from the Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN-2014) and a PhD in Public Health from UFRN (2018). He is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Public Health (DSC/UFRN), professor at the Professional Postgraduate Program in Family Health in the Northeast (PPSF), Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Health Management and Innovation (PPgGIS) and has experience in the area of Public Health, with an emphasis on Public Health Policies, Planning and Management in Health and Transdisciplinarity in Health. He is a researcher at the Laboratório de Inovação Tecnológica em Saúde (LAIS) participating in projects aimed at lifelong education using of technologies. Has experience in assistance, teaching and management of primary care, Distance Education and longlife learning.