Jorge Bastos da Silva is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP). His main fields of research are English Literature and Culture (especially the period between the Restoration and Romanticism), Intellectual History (especially Utopian Studies), and Translation and Reception Studies, with a particular bearing on the relationship between Portugal and Britain.

He is the author and editor of a number of books, among which: Em Torno de Walter Scott. Problemáticas de Identidade, 2021; Anglolusofilias. Alguns Trânsitos Literários, 2018; English Literature and the Disciplines of Knowledge, Early Modern to Eighteenth Century: A Trade for Light, 2017; O Discurso sobre a Tradução na Literatura Portuguesa (Classicismo e Romantismo) – Antologia, 2015; Tradução e Cultura Literária. Ensaios sobre a Presença de Autores Estrangeiros em Portugal, 2014; The Epistemology of Utopia: Rhetoric, Theory and Imagination, 2013; Vasco José de Aguiar, Utopista Português do Século XIX, 2010; A Instituição da Literatura. Horizonte Teórico e Filosófico da Cultura Literária no Limiar da Modernidade, 2010; Shakespeare no Romantismo Português. Factos, Problemas, Interpretações, 2005.

He has been editor of Op. Cit.: A Journal of Anglo-American Studies and President of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies (APEAA).