Doctor in sociology of work and organizations (ISCTE-IUL). Professor at the School of Business Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESCE/IPS). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Member of the organizational/coordination structure of the Research Network on Working Conditions – RICOT (2010-2024). He was Director of the degree in Occupational Safety Engineering, at ISLA-Leiria (2016-2017). Director of the Editorial Board of the Behavioral Security magazine (2021-2023). Member of the editorial board of the International Journal on Working Conditions (2011-2024). Member of the board of OCVT – Observatory of Living and Working Conditions – Scientific Association. Founding member of the Portuguese Laboratory for Healthy Work Environments (LABPATS). Author of dozens of scientific articles.