Ph.D. in Political Science from the Universidade Aberta, where he currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Management and as the Director of the Coimbra Campus. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and a Master’s degree in European Economics from the University of Coimbra. 

He has held various management positions, including Pro-Rector for Institutional Development and Legal Affairs and Vice-Coordinator of the undergraduate program in Social Sciences. He was a member of the Assembly for the Revision and the Drafting Committee for the current Statutes of the Universidade Aberta. 

He is the Deputy Director of the FCT Chair Infante Dom Henrique for Atlantic Island Studies and Globalization (CIDH). 

Currently, he is the President of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Higher Education Publishers (APEES). 

He served as a member of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna and was a member of its Editorial Board, appointed by the Portuguese government. 

With extensive scholarly work, including project management and the organization of international conferences, some of which are for specialized scientific associations, he has over a hundred scientific publications in Portugal and abroad in several languages. His research interests include Political Science and Public Policies (language policies, justice, security, immigration, and science, higher education, and innovation policies), Public Law, Legal and State Theory and Philosophy, Political and Legal Sociology, and Political and Legal History. 

He regularly collaborates with both Portuguese and international media outlets.