João Carlos Louçã has a Bacholers (1997) and a Masters degree (2013) in Anthropology from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In 2019 he completed his PhD in Anthropology, from the same faculty, in the specialty “Power, Resistance and Social Movements” with the dissertation ” Thinking the Impossible, Transforming Reality – the practice of concrete utopia in Porto and in the Pyrenees”. He is a member of the working group on time and temporalities of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) for the biennium 2023-25, he is a member of the Red(e) Iberoamericana Resistencia y/e Memoria (RIARM) and of the Observatory for Living and Working Conditions Association, he is a researcher at the Centre of Global Studies of the Open University. Since April 2022 he is also part of the production team of a documentary series to be produced for RTP, about the history of the Portuguese labour movement. He has recently published in co-authorship, “Global Labour Studies” (Húmus, 2022), “When History Speeds Up. Resistance, Social Movements and the Place of the Future” (IHC, 2021), “African Forced Labour and Anti-colonial Struggles in the Portuguese Revolution” (Brill, 2020), “Between October and April” (Húmus, 2018). He is the author of ” Thinking utopia, transforming reality. Concrete practices” (Parsifal, 2021) and “Call Centers: work, domestication and resistance” (Deriva, 2014). He is also the author of eight articles in specialized journals and has thirteen book chapters. Since 2023 he is executive editor of the Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts.