Joana Filipa da Silva Santos, born on August 7, 2001, completed her Bachelor’s degree in History at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (2022) and a postgraduate degree in Criminology at Cognos (2023). Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s in Political Science and International Relations at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, specializing in International Relations. She interned as a researcher at the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon and the Universidade Aberta, contributing to the “Madeira global: Grande dicionário enciclopédico da Madeira” project, actively participating in multiple conferences such as “Human Rights: History, Present, and Utopias in the Context of Globalization,” “Independences, Slavery, Immigration, and Braziliness,” and “War and Peace in the Era of Globalization.” She is the author of the book “O Príncipe das Papoilas,” published in 2023, and a researcher in the “Mnemonic Reality” project. Her focus encompasses History, Archaeology, and Political Sciences.