PhD and Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, she is specialist in Portuguese literature, comparative literatures and literary lexicon. She is mainly dedicated to the study of the Middle Ages medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods from an interdisciplinary perspective, as well as their projection in contemporary times. She has participated in various projects subsidised by the FCT, the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación-Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, the Xunta de Galicia, the Cátedra Institucional do Camiño de Santiago e as Peregrinações or the Concello de Santiago. She has been part of the research team for databases such as Base de datos paleográfica de la lírica galego-portuguesa-PalMed ( or knowledge transfer sites such as Roteiro Virtual da Lírica Medieval ( She is the author of articles, chapters and books, such as Traje, gentileza y poesia (Lisbon, 2001), O Padre António Vieira e as mulheres (co-author, Porto, 2008), A lírica galego-portuguesa. O Camiño Poético de Santiago (co-author, São Paulo, 2014), O meu Portugal [de] Guilherme de Almeida (co-author, São Paulo, 2017), Mulleres medievais. Textos e imaxes (Santiago, 2023) Santiago por nós ora: celebração régia… (in press). Coordinates the GRALL-GI 1353 Research Group, 2017-2024 (