I’m specialist in Political Theory. I completed:

a) my Master in Philosophy in 2004. I worked on the philosophical and political thought of the young Marx, addressing the problems of the classical relationship between the young Marx and Hegel, the Hegelian youth movement and the marxian critique of law. 

b) my Ph.D in Ethics and politico-legal philosophy in 2008. My studies focused on the influence of the 1848 revolution in the revolutionary theory of Marx. In facing this issue, I again had to devote myself to the classical themes of Marxism: the relationship between state and civil society; the repressive and ideological function of the State; the Leninist reception of Marxian theory, among others. 

c) my Post-doctoral project about Beyond the dialectics. A confrontation between Negri and Althusser in 2017. My research focused on the problematic of an ontological foundation of the “revolutionary theory” and the dissolution of dialectic bases of Marxian theory. 

Finalised the post-doctoral project, I’ve worked on the crises of the European integration Process and the lack of a constituent power. Actually, I’m conducting researches on a materialistic reading of human rights, comparing biopolitical and post-marxian theories.