Emeritus Full Professor at the University of Lisbon (Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences – ISCSP), where he has been a faculty member since 1983. Throughout his tenure, he contributed to undergraduate programs in Social Work, Social Policy, and Public Administration, as well as Master’s programs in Political Science, Sociology, Sociology of Organizations and Work, Family and Gender, Risk and Health Society, Social Gerontology, and Social Policy. He was also involved in the Ph.D. program in Social Sciences (specializations in Social Work and Social Policy). The courses he taught included Group Social Work, Community Social Work and Community Development, Comparative Social Policy, Economic and Social Functions of the State, Research Methodology, Theory of Social Policy, Contemporary Social Problems, Advanced Topics in Social Policy, and Advanced Topics in Social Work. He was responsible for the implementation of the technological platform as a teaching support tool and for coordinating the Scientific and Pedagogical Units of Service and Social Policy and Anthropology. He was a collaborating member of the Center for Public Administration and Public Policies (CAPP), coordinator of Postgraduate programs in Gerontology and in Education for Peace (UNESCO Chair of Education for Global Peace – EGPS), and a member of the Scientific Commission of the Senate of the University of Lisbon. Since July 2020, he has continued to support teaching and research as a guest lecturer.