Greg Bird is an Associate Professor of Sociology, Cultural Analysis and Social Theory at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. He is social and political theorist with a focus on contemporary philosophy and biopolitics. His first book Containing Community (SUNY Press) won the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Book Award (2017). He has published several articles and chapters in English and Italian, including in international journals such as the European Journal of Social Theory, Configurations, Angelaki, and Human Studies. He has published two co-edited books and four co-edited special journal issues. He sits on many international editorial boards and has held visiting researcher positions in Rome, Pisa, and Naples in Italy. He and Giovanni Tusa are the co-editors of a forthcoming 450-page anthology called Dispositif. A Cartography (MIT Press 2023). He is currently writing a series of essays examining genealogical strains of dispositif thinking in contemporary philosophy.